A Fractional Predictor-corrector Method of the Fractional Relaxation-Oscillation Equation 分数阶Relaxation-Oscillation方程的一种分数阶预估-校正方法
The numerical solutions of fractal double porosity models for the constant rate and constant pressure production of an infinitely large system were obtained by Douglas Jones predictor corrector method. 采用DouglasJones方法,获得了定产生产和定压生产时分形介质双孔模型的数值解。
An Improved Treanor's Method for Stiff Ordinary Differential Equations& T-R Predictor-Corrector Method 一种改进型刚性常微分方程数值解法&T-R预估-校正法
A new model of reactive optimization based on predictor corrector primal dual interior point method 基于预测-校正原对偶内点法的无功优化新模型
Based on the Reissner Mindlin type global displacement field and predictor corrector method, the deflections and transverse shear stresses were investigated for laminated composite cylindrical shells under mechanical load. 本文根据ReissnerMindlin型的全局位移场(一阶和三阶),应用有限元预测&修正法,数值计算和分析了机械载荷作用下复合材料层合圆柱壳的挠度和横向剪应力。
A predictor corrector method to get the forward solution of a 6 SPS parallel manipulator was presented based on the principle of position tracking. 以6SPS并联机构为例,基于路径跟踪原理,提出一种求解并联机构位置正解的预估校正法。
A Predictor Corrector Method for Finite Element Analysis of Laminated Composite Shells 复合材料层合壳有限元分析的预测-修正法
A 2-order predictor-corrector upwind difference scheme for the first order linear hyperbolic equations is proposed using the idea of predictor corrector method. 对一阶线性双曲方程组,利用一阶迎风差分格式与二阶迎风差分隐格式构造了一种预估-校正型迎风差分格式。
Based on the Reissner Mindlin type global displacement field, a predictor corrector method for finite element analysis of laminated composite shells was introduced. 对于复合材料层合壳的有限元分析,本文根据Reissner-Mindlin型的全局位移场给出了一个预测-修正法。
Researches on the Predictor-corrector Smoothing Method 预估校正光滑算法研究
The Predictor Corrector Primary Dual Interior Point Method ( PCPDIPM) is used to solve the OPF model. The effectiveness of load shedding is confirmed using the Q-V mode analysis method, which can be applied to compute eigenvalues of a reduced Jacobian matrix. 论文采用了预测-校正原对偶内点法求解该模型,并通过Q-V模态分析研究切负荷前后系统降阶雅可比矩阵的特征值变化情况,评估切负荷控制措施的有效性。
With the restrict equations of the DC system, the predictor and the corrector of the continuous power flow method are improved as well as the switch strategy of the HVDC system is proposed while the AC voltage fluctuation. 在交流系统连续潮流计算中,通过直流系统的约束方程改进预测环节和校正环节,并提出直流系统控制方式随交流电压变化的逻辑转换策略和实现方法,将直流输电系统嵌入到连续潮流算法中。